From your consolidation group entity, you can now create the following against all or a selection of entities within a group:
- Posting type GL code
- Control type GL code
- GL Categories
- GL Sub-Categories
Access to this feature is provided by default to admins. For all other users, access can be granted through the user profile management screen. Check that users have the following permissions set in the Consolidation Entity:
- Codes Maintenance
- GL Account Listing
- Add/Edit GL Accounts
- Add GL A/C to Entities

Adding posting type GL codes
- Log in to the consolidating group entity.
- Go to GL > General Ledger Accounts > New GL Account.
- Create a new GL code. See Managing General Ledger Accounts for more details. Select a default BI Code if you want it to be propagated down to all selected entities along with the linked Dimensions.
- After creating a new GL code, click the Refresh icon and find your newly created GL code in the code field. Against the newly created GL code, go to Actions and select Add GL A/C to Entities.
- Select the subsidiaries you want to have the GL Code by checking them. Filters are available to assist in making your selection. Click Process. The system will confirm completion. You can verify the newly created GL code by logging in to one of the entities. An Excel log of this process is available in the Document Manager in the GL listing grid.
Adding Control type GL Accounts
After creating a GL code, you can convert it into a Control Account and copy it down to a selection of subsidiaries.
- Log in to the consolidating group entity.
- Create a regular GL Account as outlined earlier.
- Go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > System Accounts.
- Click Add New Control Accounts.
- In Account Type, select the relevant type.
- In Linked GL Account, select the account you created earlier.
- After you convert a GL Account into a Control Account, add it to all relevant entities within the group. In the GL listing grid, go to Actions and select Add GL A/C to Entities as described previously.
Adding Categories and Sub-Categories
To add a Category or Subcategories to entities within a group, first, create the Category or Subcategory in the consolidation entity.
- Log into the Consolidation Entity.
- Create a Category or Sub-Category as described in Managing General Ledger Accounts
- After creating a Category or Sub-Category, assign it to the GL Account. Go to GL > General Ledger Accounts > New GL Account or select an existing code from the listing grid. Complete all details as described in Managing General Ledger Accounts.
- Add the Account to all subsidiaries as described earlier. The selected Category and Sub-Category will now be available in those subsidiaries.