Once you have set up your company, you are ready to set defaults to speed up future data entry. Defaults are provided for all the core modules in the system (Customers, Suppliers, Items, and General Ledger). When you create accounts and transactions relating to these core modules, the default data entry fields will be automatically completed but can still be overridden at this stage.
It is important to review defaults, especially those that impact transactions, before using the system as amending them later could lead to disruption.
Setting Up Defaults
The default options will be labelled Incomplete if you have not completed this section. Complete these defaults before entering related data in the system to prevent data corruption. If you import a new Chart of Accounts, update default settings before proceeding with data entry.
- Go to Setup > System Defaults.
- You can choose from Customer, Supplier, Item, or GL Account Defaults. Click Open next to the relevant default category.
- The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. All other non-mandatory fields can be entered as needed. When you created the entity:
- If you used a Saved Template for the new company, then non-mandatory fields will contain values that were set up for the saved template company. You can continue to use these for the new company, or you can blank them out by highlighting them, pressing the spacebar, and then pressing 'Enter'. This will give you a warning that the field will now be empty.
- If you used a Standard Template for the new company, or the values have not been set up for an existing company, then non-mandatory fields will be empty. Fields that already contain details of the standard company setup can be amend now.
- Click Process.
Company details and settings (2.1) - AIQ Academy
Default Settings (2.4) - AIQ Academy
Customer Defaults

When you set up a Customer Master Record, it will inherit its defaults from here. Set the values of these fields by selecting from the dropdown values or clicking + Add new ...
Complete the following:
- GL Control Account: You can create as many debtors Control Accounts as you want but you can only select one as the default. When you are creating the Customer Master Record, you can override this default if necessary.
- GL Sales Account: This is the default Sales Account for each new customer, but you can change it during customer setup.
- Bank: This is the default bank for each new customer, but you can change it after customer setup.
- Credit Terms: This is the default credit terms but you can change it after customer setup.
- Currency: This is the default currency for each new customer, but you can change it after customer setup. If you need to set up new currencies, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > General > Currencies.
- Price Categories: You can choose from nine different price category defaults for new customers. To set up new price categories, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers Price Categories.
- VAT (Tax) Code: This is the default tax code for any new customers you setup. To set up new tax codes, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > General > Taxes.
- Use Acc VAT Code: Select this to use the above tax code.
- Franchise: Select this to make all Customers franchisers.
- Area: To segment your customers into Geographical areas, select the default one here. To set up new Areas go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Areas.
- Delivery Route: To associate your customers with different Delivery routes, select the default one here. You can set up new Areas from Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Delivery Routes.
- Group: To categorise your customers into different Groups, select the default one here. To set up new Groups, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Customer Groups.
- Payment Method: To associate your customers with different payment methods, select the default here. To set up new Payment Methods, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers Payment Methods.
- Priority Code: To associate your customers with different Priorities, select the default here. To set up new Priority Codes, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Priority Codes.
- Region: To associate your customers with different Regions, select the default here. To set up new Regions, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Region.
- Ship Via: To associate your customers with different shipping, select default here. To set up new shipping, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Ship Via.
Supplier Defaults

When you set up a Supplier Master Record, it will inherit its defaults from here. Set the values of these fields by selecting from the dropdown values or clicking + Add new ...
Complete the following:
- GL Control Account: This is the default Creditors (Accounts Receivable) Control account for each new Supplier. You cannot change this after creating a Supplier.
- GL Purchase Account: This is the default Purchase Account for each new Supplier, but you can change this after setup.
- Bank: This is the default bank for each new Supplier, but you can change it after setup.
- Credit Terms: This is the default credit terms for each new Supplier, but you can change it after setup.
- Currency: This is the default currency for the company for each new Supplier . To set up new currencies, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > General > Currencies.
- Group: If you want to associate your Supplier with different Groups, select the default here. To set up new Groups, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Groups.
- VAT (Tax) Code: This is the default tax code for any new Supplier . To set up new tax codes, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > General > Taxes.
- Payment Method: To associate your Supplier with different payment methods, select the default here. To set up new Payment Methods, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Payment Methods.
- Priority Code: To associate your Supplier with different Priorities, select the default here. To set up new priority Codes, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Priority Codes.
- Ship Via: To associate your Supplier with different shipping, select the default here. To set up new shipping, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Ship Via.
- Area: To segment your Supplier into Geographical areas, select the default here. To set up new Areas, go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Customers & Suppliers > Areas.
- Franchise: Tick if this is a franchise Supplier .
- Order Required: Tick if you want Purchase Orders to be the default option for a new Supplier.
- Exclude from Approval: Tick if you want the raising of Purchase Orders and Invoices not to be included in the Workflow Approval process.
Item Defaults

When you set up an Item Master Record, it will inherit its defaults from here. Set the values of these fields by selecting from the dropdown values or clicking + Add new ...
Complete the following:
- Default Location: this is the default location for a new Stock (Inventory) item, but you can change it as needed.
- Default Sub Location: This is the default location for a new Stock (Inventory) item, but you can change it as needed.
- VAT (Tax) Code: This is the default Tax code for your new item.
- Use Tax Code: If you tick this, the tax code for the Item will be used, not the Customer/Supplier tax code.
- Group: You can segment your items into groups and subgroups to allow for further analysis. If you have items that you are counting the on-hand quantities and average cost calculations for, then this is the default Item Group.
- Sub Group: This is the default Item Sub Group if you have items that you are counting the on-hand quantities and average cost calculations for.
- Type: The Type allows you to separate your items into Items and Service. Selecting Items will count the purchases, sales, adjustments, and stock counts. Selecting Services does not track the details but will be available on specific reports for analysis.
- Prevent from selling with no stock on hand: This is available for Stock Items only. Tick to post average cost values and Stock Adjustment Journals for posted Sales and Purchase Item Invoices and to prevent selling below the quantity you have on hand to date.
- Franchise: Tick if this item is to be used in the franchise operation.
- Sales Account: Each item must have a default Sales Account. This is the default GL Code when raising a new Order or Item Invoice. You can change this when entering a new Order or Item Invoice.
- Purchases Account: Each Item must have a default Purchases Account. This is the default GL Code when raising a new Order or Item Invoice. You can change this when entering a new Order or Item Invoice.
- Stock Control Account: For your Items, you need to nominate two General Ledger Accounts for your average cost postings. The Stock Control Account should be on the Profit and Loss (Income & Expenditure) section of the Chart of Accounts listing and the other account on your Balance Sheet.
- Stock Movement Account: For your Items, you need to nominate two General Ledger Accounts for your average cost postings. One should be on the Profit and Loss (Income & Expenditure) section of your Chart of Accounts listing and the Stock Control Account should be on your Balance Sheet.
GL Account Defaults

When you set up a GL Account, it will inherit its defaults from here. Set the values of these fields by selecting from the dropdown values or clicking + Add new ...
Complete the following:
- Category: This is the default Category when you set up a new General Ledger Code. You can change this when setting up a new General Ledger Code.
- Sub Category: This is the default Sub Category when you set up a new General Ledger code. You can change this when setting up a new General Ledger Code.
- VAT (Tax) Code: This is the default VAT (Tax) Code for the General Ledger Code. You can change this to the VAT (Tax) Code you need at setup.
- Group: To group your General Ledger Accounts, you can set up new groups. This is the default Group for a new General Ledger Code. You can change this on setup. This is not a mandatory field.
- BI Code: This is the default BI Code for any new General Ledger Code you set up. This is not a mandatory field.