Using EU Reverse Charges on VAT Returns (Ireland)

How to set up and understand reverse charge VAT on Irish Format VAT Returns

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 10th, 2024

Setting up Reverse Charge Tax Codes on Irish Format VAT Returns

To set up a reverse charge VAT code:

  1. Go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Tax Codes.
  2. Add a Tax Code or edit an existing code in the list. 
  3. Tick EU Trade and Reverse Charges.

  4. Select Goods or Services.
  5. Click Save. Reverse charges will be calculated at the standard rate for the company. 

To check the company standard rate:

  1. Go to Setup > Codes Maintenance > Tax Codes.
  2.  In the Std column, set the filter to Checked. In the example below this is set to 20%:


  How do I use Code Maintenance to Control the Behaviour of the System? 

 Reviewing Company Details & Settings and Defaults‍ 


Understanding EU Reverse Charges on the Irish VAT Return

This VAT Return contains a single Purchase Invoice of £200. It carries a VAT Code tagged as EU Trade and Services with a rate of 0%, while the company has a standard VAT rate of 20%. 

The value of the VAT on the Purchase Invoice is 0.00.


VAT on Sales [T1]

The system adds the value of VAT on EU Purchases calculated above, in this case, £40 in VAT on Sales [T1].



VAT on Purchases [T2]

The system calculates the VAT due on EU Purchases of Goods and Services at the standard rate for the company. In this case, 20% of £200 is £40.

This is added to the total in VAT on Vat on Purchases & Other Inputs [T2] of the Irish VAT Return. 


 Net VAT for payment/reclaim [T3] [T4]

The total VAT Payable or Repayable is calculated and shown in boxes T3 and T4. In this example, where there is only a Reverse Charge Invoice, the net VAT will be zero as the value of sales is the same as purchases for Reverse Charges.


Total Services from other EU countries [ES2]

The gross amount of any Purchase Invoices carrying the Reverse Charge VAT Code Service is entered into Total Services from other EU countries [ES2]. In this case, it is £200.


Total Goods from other EU countries [E2]

The gross amount of any purchase invoices coded to the Reverse Charge VAT Code Goods is entered into Total Goods from other EU countries [ES2]. In this case, it is £200.
