Managing Stock Adjustments

Quick Start Guide to the Stock Adjustments beta version

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 5th, 2024


Stock adjustments can be used to account for:

  • Breakages 
  • Shrinkage 
  • Inventory Revaluations 
  • Write backs

Go to Items > Product Items and find the relevant Product Item. Under Actions, select the required action.

Description automatically generated

Alternatively, go to Items in the main menu and select the relevant option. 


Adjust Quantity on Hand

Adjust Quantity on Hand lets you:

  • Adjust the quantity on hand for a particular stock item held in any Location and Sub-Location.
  • Automatically post a journal to adjust the stock movement and balance sheet accounts by the adjusted amounts. 

Adjusting Quantity on Hand

  1. Go to Items > Product Items and find the relevant Product Item.
  2. Under Actions, select Adjust Quantity on Hand.
  3. Enter the Item Code.
  4. Select the Location and Sub-Location. The system will show the current quantity on hand for the item, Location, and Sub-Location selected.
  5. Enter the New Quantity on Hand. The system will calculate the movement, whether an increase or decrease. If “Prevent from selling items with no stock on hand” is enabled, you will not be able to adjust the quantity on hand to below 0. To check this, go to Setup > Company Details & Settings, and find it under the Settings tab.

  6. Update the Date if needed.
  7. Enter an Adjustment Reference (Ext Ref). 
  8. Enter a Reason (Description) if needed.
  9. Click Process to post the adjustment.

Quantity on Hand Records

  • ST Transaction: This adjusts the stock movement and balance sheet accounts to the new on hand quantity. 
  • XO Stock Movement Record: This records the increase or decrease in Quantity on Hand. To view it, go to Items > Stock Movement.


The Quantity on Hand amount will also update in the:

  • Product Items grid. 
  • Items Location grid.

Adjust Location 

Adjust Location allows you to move stock items from one Location and or Sub-Location to another Location and or Sub-Location.

Adjusting Location

  1. Go to Items > Product Items and find the relevant Product Item.
  2. Under Actions, select Adjust Quantity on Hand.

  3. Enter the Item Code.
  4. Select the Current Location and/or Sub-Location that you want to move the stock item from. 
  5. Select the New Location and/or Sub-Location that you want to move the stock to.
  6. The Current Quantity held in the Current Location and Sub-Location appears here. Enter the Transfer Quantity you want to move from the Current Location and Sub-Location to the new Location and Sub-Location. The system will not allow you to move a higher quantity than you currently hold in a particular Location and Sub-Location.
  7. Update the Date if needed.
  8. Enter an Adjustment Reference (Ext Ref) if needed. 
  9. Enter a Reason (Description) if needed.
  10. Click Process to post the adjustment

Stock Movements Records

Adjusting the Location of a stock item creates two XT Stock Movement Records:

  • One to record the decrease in Quantity on Hand in the old Location and Sub-Location.
  • One to record the increase in Quantity on Hand in the new Location and Sub-Location. 

To view the movements, go to Items > Stock Movements:


The Quantity on Hand amounts will also update in the Items Location grid.


Adjust Average Cost 

Adjust Average cost allows you to update the average cost for an item automatically creating a journal to update the stock movement and balance sheet accounts.

Adjusting Average Cost

  1. Go to Items > Product Items and find the relevant Product Item.
  2. Under Actions, select Adjust Average Cost.

  3. Enter the Item Code.
  4. The Current Average Cost for the item selected appears here. Enter the New Average Cost.
  5. Update the Date if needed.
  6. Enter an Adjustment Reference (Ext Ref) if needed.
  7. Enter a Reason (Description) if needed.
  8. Click Process to post the adjustment.

Adjusting Average Cost Records

Adjusting the average cost creates a:

  • ST Transaction: This adjusts the stock movement and balance sheet accounts to the new average cost.