Using GL Import Journals

Learn how to quickly and easily import Excel files into your GL Journal.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 4th, 2025


GL Import Journals lets you download, create, and then import General Ledger Journals using Excel. Templates include Trial Balance Movements and General Ledger Journals. The system will validate all data before importing to ensure integrity of the accounts. This is especially useful if you have complex journals you need to post each month.

There are two Excel template options to use:

  • GL Journals: Use this template to create a single journal with multiple lines, or a series of journals. The system can create separate journals by using an external reference.
  • Trial Balance Movements: Choose this if you use a third-party system or only want to use the General Ledger and/or Consolidation features. It prepares and imports a Trial Balance as a single Journal. Using this template, you can import a Trial Balance into each company.


Managing General Ledger Accounts 

Creating General Ledger Journals 

Trial Balance and Banks Data Importer 


GL Journals template

Step One: Download the template

  1. Go to GL > Import Journals.  
  2.  In the Select Excel Template dropdown, select GL Journals
  3. Then Click to Download Excel Journal Template File.
  4. Rename and store the template on your Desktop. Do not use cloud storage, such as OneDrive and iCloud. 

Step Two: Populate the Template

Populate the formatted table with your Journal Lines. All fields are mandatory. Avoid copying and pasting details into the template as this can cause errors. 

  • Ext Ref: The Ext Ref must contain no special characters and be shorter than 50 characters. 
  • Date
  • GL Code
  • BI Code
  • Description: Only the first line you enter will appear as the journal description in the system.
  • Debit Amount / Credit Amount: Only add one debit or credit per line.
  • Auto Reverse: Select yes or no.


    We recommend not exceeding 1000 lines per import. If you have a large quantity of lines, you will need to do multiple data imports. It is better for data quality to import multiple journals with fewer lines rather than performing one large import.


Step Three: Upload The GL Journal Template

  1. Browse to the location of your populated spreadsheet and select Import.
  2. If your journal contains errors, you will receive a report. Click on the links to view the data with errors.
  3. Correct the errors in the original Excel template or the error file and reimport it.

Trial Balance Movements template

Step One: Download the Template

  1. Go to GLImport Journals.
  2.  In the Select Excel Template dropdownselect Trial Balance Movements.
  3. Then Click to Download Excel Journal Template File.
  4.  Rename and store the template on your Desktop. Do not use cloud storage, such as OneDrive and iCloud.

Step Two: Populate the Template

To populate the template spreadsheet with your Trial Balance, complete the following in column B:

  • Import into Period End Date: Ensure this is in the correct format.
  • Description for imported lines: Add for imported transactions (optional).
  • Import Transaction Ext Ref: Add a unique Journal Reference Code. It must contain no special characters and be shorter than 50 characters. 
  • Overall Total: Ensure this is zero. 

Add the relevant journal lines:

  • GL Code
  • BI Code
  • Amount DR (CR): This must total 0.
  • VAT Returned: Select yes or no.
  • Bank Reconciled: Select yes or no.

Avoid copying and pasting details into the template as this can give errors.

Step Two: Populate the Template

  1. Browse to the location of your populated Spreadsheet and select Import.
  2.  If your journal contains errors, you will receive a report. Click on the links to view the data with errors.
  3. Correct the errors in the original Excel template or the error file and reimport it.