Creating Batch Purchase Invoices

Entering Non-Product Supplier Invoices into the system.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 4th, 2024


Batch Invoices are used for any invoices where it is not necessary to record detailed product entries, such as movement or quantity.  You can use it for small purchases such as household cleaning items, manual repairs, and business consumables. 

Each line entered represents a separate invoice, which is directly posted to the Supplier account and to the General Ledger. You can reuse the same external reference on each line if you have multiple lines to record for the same invoice (e.g. representing different Tax rates or to be posted to different expenditure accounts in the GL).


You need to set up the following prerequisites:

  • Suppliers (Vendors) Master Records
  • Codes tables (General Ledger Codes, Currency Codes and Tax Rates)

Keyboard Shortcuts

To allow for quick data entry you can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate the invoice:

  • TAB: Advances to the next cell in the grid
  • TAB + SHIFT: Goes back to the previous cell in the grid
  • ENTER: Advances to the next cell in the grid
  • F6: Use to make a copy of the current line and insert a new line with the same details. This is a useful function if you are creating payment records with similar details, such as recording several Receipts to the same General Ledger account but with different cheque references. 
  • F8: Use to delete the current line. If this does not work, try FN+F8.



How does the Purchase Ordering System Work?‍  

How does the Purchase (Un-Ordered) Product Invoicing Work?‍ 


The Batch Invoice Process

  1. Go to Purchases > Batch Invoice > New Batch Invoice.


  1. In Batch Invoice, each line represents a Supplier (Vendor) Invoice. A Batch can comprise single or multiple entries. If the lines contain the same Supplier, Date, and Reference, they will post as one Purchase Invoice.
  2. For each Line, enter:
  • Account: Select from the dropdown. This auto-fills the Supplier (Vendor) defaults (General Ledger Code, BI Code, and Tax Code). If your Supplier (Vendor) doesn’t exist in the system, click +Add new Account to complete and save their details. The new account will then auto-fill in the Account field.

  • GL Acc: This comes from the Supplier’s (Vendors) Master record. You can override it here by selecting from the dropdown or by entering a General Ledger Code.
  • BI Code: This is available if you are using Extended Business Analysis. The default comes from the Supplier (Vendor) Master Record. 
  • Date: This is the date of the transaction. It defaults to today’s date, but you can override it here.
  • Ref:  This is a Supplier (Vendor) Reference. It can be the Supplier (Vendor) Invoice No. that appears on the Purchase Invoice. If there is a duplicate Batch Invoice Numbers from the Supplier, you will receive a warning and must change the Invoice number.
  • Description: Enter a short description.
  • Net Amt, VAT, VAT Amt: Enter Net Amt. Select the Vat Code from the dropdown. VAT Amt will auto-fill. If there are differences between the Supplier (Vendor) VAT (Tax) calculation and the calculated VAT (Tax) Amt, use the Supplier (Vendor) VAT (Tax) Amount and Line Total. To override the VAT (Tax) Amt, double-click in the field. In the dialog box enter the new amount. A warning displays this amount is more than 0.10 above the originally calculated value. However, this does not prevent posting.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

  • Line Total: The total amount is the sum of the Net Amt plus the VAT (Tax) Amt. 
  • Exchange Rate:  The exchange rate entered here will determine the base currency value of this invoice when posted. If the batch invoice is for a foreign currency supplier, then the Exchange Rate will come from the currency table, but you can override it here. The view rate history link is for reference purposes only as these rates are not linked to the Invoice entry date.  


Batches must be a single currency only as only one overall exchange rate can be applied to the batch of invoices. If you want to use multiple currencies, you need to post multiple Batches. If you engage with a Foreign Currency Supplier, you will receive a warning about this. 


  • Sub Total: This is the Net total of all the lines. This appears in both the Supplier (Vendor) currency and the Base Currency
  • VAT (Tax) Total: This is the VAT (Tax) total of all the lines. This appears in both the Supplier (Vendor) currency and the Base Currency
  • Total: This is the VAT (Tax) plus the Net amounts of all the lines. This appears in both the Supplier (Vendor) currency and the Base Currency
  1. You can now do the following:
  • Click Post to post the entire Batch of transactions. This clears the screen. The last Processed Invoice No appears at the bottom of the screen. 
  • You can also Print the Batch.
  • If you don’t want to post, click Clear Batch. The Batch clears and you will not be able to retrieve it.
  • To save a Batch without posting, click Close. Your progress is autosaved and you can return to it later.

Viewing posted Batches

Go to Purchases > Batch Invoices. Each purchase invoice within the batch posts separately with a unique reference. Find your entry in the grid. The Purchase Invoice shows a negative amount and PI type. The entries associated Supplier (Vendor) Ledger Accounts and General Ledger/ BI Codes Accounts have been updated (unlike non-batch Item Invoices which might require Approval).





If you have an internet or power source interruption, you may get logged out and need to log in again. To prevent data loss an automatic save function backs up batch progress line by line. So, when you log in again you can recover the Batch you were working on by clicking New Batch Invoice. If a file was in progress, it will display, and you can continue entering the remainder of the Batch.



View posted transactions that have changes to the VAT (Tax) amounts

Go to Reports > Report Manager >Tax Reports > Tax Exceptions Report. 


How do I Implement Extended Business Analysis?‍ 


Batch Invoice Reference Numbers and Actions

  1. Go to Purchases > Batch Invoices. In the grid, note the following:
  • Reference:  This is the auto-generated audit-trail transaction reference. You cannot change it. This displays as Ref. in the Transaction Browser after posting.
  • Number:  This is the Internal Number or Int. No of the transaction. Here it is a sequential number continuing from the previous Batch Line. In other cases, it is the Document number controlled by the parameters in the Company Details and Settings, such as the Supplier (Vendor) Invoice or Order Number.
  • External Reference:  This is the Ref. quoted on the Batch Line entry and can be the Supplier’s (Vendors) Document No. 


Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated


  • Actions:  You can also choose some of the following actions from the dropdown:
    • Mark as Disputed
    • Remove
    • Create Purchases Payment

