Creating Expense Claims in the System

Learn how to generate expense claims within the system.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 18th, 2024


In AIQ, you can create expense claims directly in the system without the need for the mobile expense app. This means, for example, that employees can enter expenses on behalf of senior company members.


To use the Expense listing grid, ensure you have access to the following in the Maintain Menu Profiles screen: 

  • Item Invoices
  • Purchase Product Debit Notes

Creating an Expense Claim

To create an expense claim:

  1. Go to Employee Expenses > Expense Claims > New Expense Claim.
  2. Complete the purchase invoice as normal. Note that the Supplier dropdown contains only the employees set up as suppliers, excluding any other supplier accounts. The Items dropdown contains only Expense Categories, excluding any other items, such as stock or non stock/services.



Creating an Expense Claim Debit Note

In AIQ, you can create expense claims debit notes to request a refund from the expense claimant.

  1. Go to Employee Expenses > Expense Claims > New Debit Note.
  2. Complete the debit note as normal. Note that the Supplier dropdown contains only the employees set up as suppliers.



Expense Claims Listing Grid

Note: Only users with access to the Invoice listing grid will also have access to the Expenses listing grid.

The Expense Claims grid lets you see and manage all expense claims in one place. Go to Employee Expenses > Expense Claims.

Do the following:

  • Number: Click to open the Purchase Invoice.
  • Account Code: Click to open the employee Supplier Account.
  • Status: Filter expense claims by processed, posted, or cancelled.
  • Approval Status: Filter expense claims by pending approval, pending, approved, rejected, or approval not required.
  • Due: Filter due or not due purchase invoices.
  • Actions: Select Duplicate, Re-Submit for Approval, or Cancel Invoice where available.
  • Add/Remove Columns: Set up which columns you want to appear in the Expense Claims grid.